Rese rch 1 . Solutions & Ideas .
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' Assuming one Infinity, one Time is just a little grain of Sugar . '
Everything can be slighter by production without poisoning and new exploiting
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14. A Super Massive Center within the middle of our Universe
The ' Jana - Jo - Jana Theorem '
Named in honour to my niece and two very nice persons
who have brought me products free from testing on animals .
' Our Universe , including time , has become a little , comprehensible village ... '
' Die Frage lautet wohl nicht länger , ob wir die einzigen im Universum sind ,
sondern vielmehr , ob unsere Raumzeit wirklich ausnahmslos und allein existiert ... '
' At these days it seems that the question is not any longer
whether we are the only ones within our Universe , instead
there has arised the quiz for our space - time continuum to
exist solely and exclusively ... '
Like we have seen , we might be able to compare
the whole of our Universe with a single photon ...
And if we use the equation
' shell mass * core mass = radius squared '
we can easily calculate the shell mass , representing
the mass of our Universe with the core , acting for
the Super Massive Center ( while we have been
able to calculate the mass of this center ) ...
Calculating the radius of our Universe might work out
by the ' Antique Algorithm ' , resulting the most likely
expansion of Space :
Distance from Earth to the Super Massive Center is
1,1338234969826428288348939717868e+42 ;
1,1338234969826428288348939717868e+42 | 4,200150305 ... th root
( by the Antique Algorithm ),69688217271465357446 |
1,1672775812423179386844781939422e+52 | square
1,3625369516709161556597660403525e+104 | times 15
( 15 = ' the Jules Julsky Value ' , we will see closer information
about this value within our work about the Super Massive Center )
2,0438054275063742334896490605288e+105 | per ( 1,862268410022608512766339873271 square )
( because 1,862268410022608512766339873271 is the ratio of meters per kilogramms )
5,8932517724289076865188300035309e+104 ;
1,8629952550872468333656374107205e+50 ( mass of the SMC )
( = Mass of the whole of our Universe representing the shell ,
except for mass of the SMC , acting for the core ... )
A Google request for the mass of our Universe
has result ~ 3 * 10 exponent 54 kilogramms ,
based upon mass samples of certain parts , so
we might not be that wrong with our equation
' Delta Root of Product of Masses = Delta Radii ' ,
and since there is ' nothing ' bigger than our Universe ,
we might use this equivalent without a delta resulting
a true and valid value ...
Thanks a lot to this awesome team , who have created that stunning animated shortmovie !
They really have contributed to the ongoing development of fundamental research about our universe ...
Right now , we come along with the mathematical prove for the Super Massive Center of our Universe :
We are happy that we can write down about having
calculated the precise distance from the giant of a
black hole within the center of our Universe for this
first of Advent . We have to mention that we more
assume it to be a gemini system , consisting of two
objects whereas the proportion of masses might to
be within the Golden Ratio , approximately or even
exactly , the photo below illustrates this suggestion .
This photo shows an assumption from the year 2019
and it might illustrate something else than the Big Bang ...
And we start ahead with exact numeric values ,
we are going to see the corrected and final
calculation above our former calculation :
The red shifted , measured frequency of this radiating source is approximately
299.792.458. | logarithm
23,476820702927927554392266208226 | per 10
2,3476820702927927554392266208226 | per 4,200150305 ... ( because we use the Antique Algorithm )
0,55895191833921589990318849335146 | reciprocal value
1,789062649558922353222316702944 | * 2
( because light intensity and hence frequency decrease by their squares )
3,5781252991178447064446334058881 ( = x ) | + 23,476820702927927554392266208226 ( = y )
= z
27,054946002045772260836899614114 | 10 exponent z
( the original or source frequency of the Super Massive Center )
In our work about photon size we can find the maximum
frequency of radiation
( we just see the ' Planck Approach ) which is
1.133.805.107.155.451.756.702.297.926,7205 | logarithm
27,054538408912170739564589696243 [ = ( a ) ] ;
I . )
x + y = a ;
II . )
[ 1 / ( x / 10 / 4, 200150305161 ... ) ] * 2 = y ;
1 / x / ( 10 * 4,2 ... ) = y / 2 ;
10 * 4,2 ... / x = y / 2 ;
20 * 4,2 ... / x = y ;
in I . )
20 * 4,2 ... / x + x = a ;
20 * 4,2 ... * x squared = a * x ;
x squared - a * x + 20 * 4,2 ... = 0 ;
x = 3,5781985932579734252900986971547 ;
y = 23,476339815654197314274490999088 ;
10 exponent 23,476339815654197314274490999088
should to be the measured frequency arriving on Earth :
299.460.686.364.126.233.770.789,41762861 ;
The Wavelength is
the radius , calculated by the Wavelength Approach is
1,0717232718869139092686477551007e-14 | square
Force of electromagnetic attraction
( which is calculated in the corrected part of our work about
the Super Massive Center ) within the source radiation is
3,5064083191801135178101717894574e-128 | per 10
10 =
delta frequency of source and measured f
3.786,1567771096762564272002847784 | log
delta r of the source and measured radius
52,335823503068545534417841033937 | log
1,7187990621719822835267324647701 | per 2
0,85939953108599114176336623238506 ;
0,9999999999999999999999999999999 =
' 1 ' ;
so Energy of Attraction per 10 to the power of ' 1 '
3,5064083191801135178101717894574e-129 | third root and exponent 2
per target radius squared of the measured frequency
( which is 1,1485907715039919936602010621409e-28
for the measured frequency of
299.460.686.364.126.233.770.789,41762861 ,
calculated by the ' Wavelength Approach ' )
2,0094459827483198646879654333942e-58 | 1 / x
4,9764960520725205280451760146229e+57 | per pi squared
5,0422447038740876538084907384038e+56 | exponent 3 and fourth root of
3,3648672783254588907307346079996e+42 | per root of [ ( 4th root of pi ) cube ]
3,3648672783254588907307346079996e+42 | per 1,5361414298217130266275964640989
meters of distance of the Super Massive Center of our Universe from Earth ;
2,1904671099951979304689244587304e+42 | 4,200150305161 th root of
12.042.576.594,710395757324062038963 | * 2,1904671099951979304689244587304e+42
2,6378867950311092591360797269188e+52 | per V
( ' V ' is the speed our Universe expands with and it can be calculated
by the Antique Algorithm near the Gravitation Approach , we go ahead
with the Antique Algorithm right now
299.792.458 | exponent 4,200150305161
4,0171778758331789996987575646491e+35 )
65.665.172.829.420.724,343839312712702 | per 3600 per 24 per 365,256
During the last holidays we were able to refine the
exact relative age of our Universe and we would
like to begin the new year with a precise calculation !
dm =
The most likely , current expansion of our Universe ,
uncurved and calculated by the Antique Algorithm :
distance ' d ' of our Earth to the ' SMC ' times
4,200150305161 ... th root of ' d '
= 2,6378867950311092591360797269187e+52 ;
( ) 54 =
the present , complete current space curvature ,
its calculation can be seen in our science work
about the Big Bang , we might use ' ctrl + f ' in
order to search the document for keywords :
The Big Bang Theory
= 4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 ;
( a ) =
The exact relative age of our Universe in seconds
times ' V ' , the speed our Universe expands with ,
whereas V is calculated by the Antique Algorithm ,
speed of light ' c ' exponent 4,200150305161 ... ,
resulting 4,0171778758331789996987575646491e+35 ;
Let us see our refined equation :
dm * 2 pi * dm * pi { [ ( ) 54 * root of 2 ] / [ ( a ) * root of 2 ] / [ ( ) 54 * root of 2 ] } * pi = ( a ) ;
' { [ ( ) 54 * root of 2 ] / [ ( a ) * root of 2 ] / [ ( ) 54 * root of 2 ] } * pi '
represents the current bending per meter , times root of two is because the bending is given in squaremeters .
And the current bending per meter times dm * pi is the present factor of curvature , which we have to
multiply dm , the most likely , straightened expansion , with in order to fit the curved ' age * V ' = ( a ) ...
Solving the equivalent above results
dm squared * 2 pi * ( 1 / root of 2 ) * pi squared = ( a ) squared ;
( a ) is already curved because of the superluminal expansion of space , hence
' * 2 ' and ' * pi ' are not necessary to see the curvature clearly ...
Calculating with the exact values and the equation above ends up in
13.778.638.257,695041798581022349697 ... years of the age of our
Universe seen from Earth , we might see the graphic below , which
might provide a clearer look ...
We will see our former calculation , too :
The red shifted , measured frequency of this radiating source is
299.792.458. | logarithm
23,476820702927927554392266208226 | per 10
2,3476820702927927554392266208226 | per 4,200150305 ... ( because we use the Antique Algorithm )
0,55895191833921589990318849335146 | reciprocal value
1,789062649558922353222316702944 | * 2
( because light intensity and hence frequency decrease by their squares )
3,5781252991178447064446334058881 | + 23,476820702927927554392266208226
= x =
27,054946002045772260836899614114 | 10 exponent x
( the original or source frequency of the Super Massive Center )
The wavelength for this frequency is
Calculating the radius by the ' Wavelength Approach ' results :
5,612462499403642218893594234753e-13 = radius r
3,1499735307212178634269820868621e-25 = r exponent 2,134841782928438 = spin speed ' s '
( calculated by 2 r * pi * frequency )
mass m ( calculated by E = m c squared and E = h * f ) =
8,3668238482914430826723074778806e-24 ;
' Approach C ' is used in the following calculation , we might see it here
Photon Size , Shell and Core Masses
- 3 * Energy E ( E = m * c squared ) =
-2,2559178789691932977513512641967e-6 ;
( - 2c ( root of 8 ) s - 8 ( s exponent2 ) + 8 cs + 4 ( s exponent 2 ) ) =
-64.064.673.552.409.082.032.950.797.159.880 ;
m shell =
3,5213133133718465211706455489065e-38 ;
m core =
8,3668238482914078695391737594154e-24 ;
m shell * m core * electromagnetic Constant ' Ge ' =
/ r e2 =
/ V e2 ( ' V ' = The speed our Universe expands with ) =
delta frequency
3.785,5178565115414935977221239112 | logarithm
delta r
52,329935496106807848751680246907 | logarithm
1,7187501994118964709630889372587 | per 2
0,85937509970594823548154446862937 ;
0,9999999999999999999999999999998 =
' 1 ' ;
1,3116163747726983974417956540235e-128 / ' 1 ' | third root and exponent 2
per target radius squared of the measured frequency
( which is 1,1502877786176224902459232075397e-28
for the measured frequency of 299.792.458. ,
calculated by the ' Wavelength Approach ' )
4,8350174708391530055212289140825e-58 | 1 / x
2,0682448533664607658891708333605e+57 | per pi squared
2,0955701660526312723466250554397e+56 | exponent 3 and fourth root of
1,7417132478203716806501293568617e+42 | per root of [ ( 4th root of pi ) cube ]
1,7417132478203716806501293568617e+42 | per 1,5361414298217130266275964640989
meters of distance of the Super Massive Center of our Universe from Earth
The Antique Algorithm results exponent 4,200150305 ...
what we have found out by calculating ' G ' .
The Energy which arrives on our Earth from HD 1
is a very bright UV Light and we are going to use a
frequency of ten exponent ( e ) 15,5 which is just
the average value of UV Light , because I cannot get
more data about this measured value at times ( only
' bright UV ' , what we assume to be the measured
maximum radiation for now )
10 e15,5 = 1 | logarithm
15,5 = 10 e0 | per 10
or just 1,5 = ( 10 / 10 ) exponent 0
1,55 = 1 ;
0,36903441288755785715573083182285 | 1 / x
2,7097743870967741935483870967742 | times 2
( because we need a square due to light intensity and hence
frequency also are getting less inverted by their squares )
5,4195487741935483870967741935484 | plus 15,5
20,919548774193548387096774193548 ;
10 exponent 20,91954877419 ... spins per second
should be the maximum of the radiation spectrum of source
or original energy within the Center of the Galaxy HD 1 .
We have targeted the most likely Energy Value by the
Antique Method which has been refined yesterday , too ...
We strongly assume the center of our Universe to
consist of a super large ' Monster ' of a Black Hole ,
the ' point of origin ' of the Big Bang , which should
expand at times , and massing again ...
The maximum of cosmic radiation with a frequency
of 2,99792458 * 10 to the power of 23 spins per
second might show us the way to calculate the high
energies in this megalomaniac mass concentration .
We set ~ 3 * 10 exponent ( e ) 23 equal to 1 unit
of Energy E , while E should to be proportional to
the frequency we calculate with .
We just might calculate with the measured frequency
and 10 exponent ~ 4,2001503 ... ( Antique Algorithm )
resulting the original frequency of the radiating source ,
results the ( source or original ) energy of this
mega massive black hole in the center of our
Universe or better the middle of our existence of
the four dimensions , including space and time .
Knowing this most likely ' target Energy ' and the
radius of photons at 3 * 10 e23 spins per second
( wich is the red shifted result of the energy emitted
from the mega massive black hole )
we could calculate the distance to the ' Big Bang ' ...
The Antique Approach should work out well , the single
exception might to be the core of our Milky Way , which
is a Galaxy also , but our Earth is within this Galaxy ...
If we would calculate the distance from the core of our
Milky Way , we would just go ahead with :
A measured frequency of 10 exponent 20, 5
The logarithm is 20 , 5 | per 10
2 , 05 | per 4,200150305 ...
0,48807777130252008921856904832838 | 1 / x
2,0488538073170731707317073170732 | per 2
1,0244269036585365853658536585366 ;
plus 20 , 5
21,524426903658536585365853658537 ,
the exponent of 10 for the most likely target radiation ;
We have found to the final conclusion
for using either the squareroot ( logarithm per two )
or just a square ( logarithm times two ) for calculating
the distance of radiating centers ...
The Apex should to be the most likely maximum
of the radiating source by the ' Antique Algorithm ' :
10 exponent 4, 200150305 ... | squareroot
10 exponent 2,1000751525
and if we see the reciprocal value of the logarithm for the source below this value
like e . g . 2,0488538073170731707317073170732 ,
used for measuring the Energy of the Center of our Milky Way
we are going extract the squareroot , and if the measured value is
above 2,1000751525
like e . g . 2,7097743903225806451612903225806 which should to be squared
and added to the exponent 15 , 5 for the Galaxy HD 1
we will simply square ...
We might like to add another issue , which we have forgotten
to mention up to date
Calculating the red shift distance for e . g . gamma particles to photons at one
spin per second we have to remind , that force of attraction within the one spin
particle system is higher than ' 1 ' while the electromagnetic force within e . g .
gamma particles is smaller than ' 1 ' , calculated by Ge * masses per radius
exponent two , and hence we have to invert this value of ' E '
while ' inverting ' also means ' to multiply ' with the target photon radius , not
dividing like for Energy values smaller than ' 1 ' when solving the equivalent ...
In the following calculation , we go ahead with
the mass of our Universe , 10 e50 kilogramms ,
the Super Massive Center owning 10 e 50 kg ,
the distance to the Super Massive Center from
our Earth , 10 e 42 meters , the Gravitation
Constant G as 10 e -11 , and the existing
way to calculate motion of two ' celestial objects '
nearing or floating of each other ,
Force of Attraction of two celestial bodies
( referred to as ' F ' )
Speed our Universe expands with
( referred to as ' V ' )
either ( for two objects drifting apart )
1 / root of ( F / V )
per pi squared
approximately 1,86 ...
( whereas ' 1,86 ... ' poses the ratio of kilogramm per meter ,
what we have found out by calculating with the speed our Moon
leaves the orbit of Earth , and we are going to precise this value :
By our research work about photon particles , we
have seen that delta radius exponent 3 is equal
to delta frequency exponent 2 and that delta mass
of the spinning particle gemini systems is directly
proportional to delta frequency .
Delta radius of a 400 nm wavelength photon and
a 700 nm wavelength photon is
1,4521964333909260217517351196628 | third root
1,1324224101120438655491213255449 | squareroot
1,0641533771557762930093370704405 ;
times delta mass ( 1, 75 ) is equal to
And this value should pose the exact ratio of
kilogramms per metres ...
We are going to let flow this value into our
current calculations ...
or ( used for two objects nearing )
1 / ( F / V ) squared
per root of pi
approximately 1,86 ...
is equal to
the speed of two celestial objects
nearing or floating off each other
So we have
10 e 50 * 10 e 50 * 10 e - 11
( 10 e 42 square )
what results
10 e 5 ;
10 e 5
V ( rounded to 10 e 35 )
10 e -30 ; v
Because we are right here ,
in the Entity of our Universe
( and not in Subdivisions ) ,
we will have the reciprocal
value of 10 e - 30
what is 10 e 30 ;
1 / [ ( root of ( 10 e 30 ) ]
10 e - 15
10 e 30
10 e - 15
results 10 exponent 15 meters per second ,
what poses the speed the shell , our Universe ,
all the Galaxies except for the Super Massive
Center , float off from this Center due to the
speed our Universe expands with ...
This is superluminal for sure , and since we know
that superluminal motion curves space like magnetism ,
we might see that the radiation from the Super Massive
Center is going to reach us from almost any direction within
the bent cosmos and that the Entity of our Universe behaves
a little like a photon as a spinning particle gemini system ...
Both the superluminal expansion speed of our Universe , and
the natural space curvature should to be responsible for the
intensity of radiation from the Super Massive Center ( SMC ) ,
its distribution arriving on Earth , and the Cosmic Microwave
Background Cold Spot ...
All the former work which has led to this new
understanding is going to be written below ,
in order to preserve clarity :
We might have found to a solution for calculating the
distance of two Galaxies by the ' Antique Algorithm ' .
The measured radiation spectrum , its Energy ( and
its maximum ) which arrives on Earth is referred to as
' spectrum ' within the following calculation :
( spectrum ) to the power of four
fifth root of ( spectrum )
2048 th root of { fifth root of ( spectrum ) }
8192 th root of { fifth root of ( spectrum ) }
16384 th root of { fifth root of ( spectrum ) }
( and so on )
should be equal to the original radiation spectrum , which can
be measured in the very near or in the core of the Galaxy ...
It should work out well , because we target the most likely
ratio ' Amount of Energy per distance ' of electromagnetic
particles , whereas Energy gets less because the photons
are passing a vacuum which is not perfect and electromagnetic
attraction should do the other part of photons loosing energy ...
We are going to write down the work about ' Calculating a Red Shift
over a certain distance within our Universe ' in order to maintain
clarity within this new and concluded work of science :
E ( of attraction ) might to be directly proportional
to frequency and hence to the Energy photons hold .
frequency squared = E squared = radius exponent 3
for a simplification we have left away
frequency squared
10 exponent
exponent of ten from ( root of [ delta r ] ) plus
exponent of ten from ( delta f ) minus
exponent of ten from ( delta r ) minus
exponent of ten from ( delta r )
3rd root of ( delta E squared ) = delta radius r
E = ( 1 / d ) squared
( because Light Intensity gets less with its inverse square )
3rd root of { [ ( 1 / d ) squared ] squared } = delta E as distance d exponent 4
So we have
delta radius r = ( target ) r squared / delta E as distance d exponent 4 ;
what should be
( root of ) delta E = ( root of ) delta E ;
3rd root of
( E squared )
10 exponent
exponent of ten from ( root of [ delta r ] ) plus
exponent of ten from ( delta f ) minus
exponent of ten from ( delta r ) minus
exponent of ten from ( delta r )
( delta radius ) squared
root of ( delta r ) * delta frequency f
10 exponent
exponent of ten from ( root of [ delta r ] ) plus
exponent of ten from ( delta f ) minus
exponent of ten from ( delta r ) minus
exponent of ten from ( delta r )
target radius ( r ) squared
* pi squared
( because we calculate with 1 / 2 spin )
third root of ( distanced ( d ) exponent 4 )
* root of [ ( 4th root of pi ) cube ]
( because we calculate with 1 / 2 spin )
Let us see an example with the Galaxy HD 1 ,
which is about 13,5 * 10 exponent 9 light years
away from our Earth , and we assume it to having
owned a high gamma ray emission like Milky Way .
These gamma particles should have turned into an
ultraviolet radiation by passing the high distance :
Gamma particles own a radius of
while ultraviolet ' C ' light particles own a radius of
1,0725146985555128000387220504706e-19 ;
the delta of both the radii is
147,10136716781330394542515197408 | root
and the delta frequency is
10 exponent 5,5 ;
147,10136716781330394542515197408 | logarithm
12,128535244118034220613228235627 | logarithm
1,0838083545509776909414552852849 ;
plus 5,5
2,1676167091019553818829105705697 * 2
2,2485749363470669271756341441455 I * 2
4,497149872694133854351268288291 = x | 10 exponent x
31.415,926535897932384626433832802 ;
what is ( approximately ) equal to E ,
calculated by
E = f / V
force of Attraction of Matter and Antimatter
( referred to as ' f ' )
( Speed our Universe expands with ) squared
( referred to as ' V ' squared )
1,0065842420897407007245506028551e+111 | third root and square
1,0043846918524871426914865729229e+74 | per [ 1 / ( target radius uv light ) squared ]
1,0043846918524871426914865729229e+74 | per [ 8,6934766985159719506014419504062e+37 ]
1,1553314360685427136869763562705e+36 | per pi squared
1,1705954860166663676011936370977e+35 | exponent 3 and 4th root of
200.126.745.943.034.360.211.228.135,5171 | per root of [ ( 4th root of pi ) cube ]
200.126.745.943.034.360.211.228.135,5171 | per root of [ 1,5361414298217130266275964640989 ]
in comparison to
( 13,5 * 10 exponent 9 * 9,461 * 10 exponent 15 meters )
We are happy to announce that we were able
to find a way for calculating the frequency of
spins per second our Milky Way turns around
the Super Massive Center of our Universe .
Knowing frequency and distance ( radius ) ,
we can calculate speed and by knowing the
exact value for G we can calculate the mass
of our Milky Way and mass of the big ' Bright
Dark Center ' ...
Our Equivalent for calculating frequency of Milky
Way spinning around the Dark Center is going to
be like the following ( it works in a similar manner
to the equivalent for photons as electromagnetic
particles , the slight difference is a square , the
equivalent for photons can be seen online , here
Photon Size , Shell and Core Masses
( delta frequency )
( frequency of Milky Way around the Center of our Universe
per frequency of e.g. our Sun around the Center of Milky Way )
10 exponent
[ logarithm ( root of delta radius ) ]
logarithm ( delta frequency )
[ logarithm ( delta radius ) ]
[ logarithm ( delta radius ) ]
radius exponent 3
( distance of our Milky Way to the Super Massive Center to the power of three )
We would like to give an example using
our Moon turning around Earth and our
Earth turning around Sun :
Moon frequency =
4,2362203208709831650571062833111e-7 ;
Earth frequency =
3,168756727904284686377246116169e-8 ;
Delta frequency =
13,368714245453247784727890285011 | square
178,72252057658460025761831415842 ;
Moon ' radius ' ( = distance of Moon from Earth ) =
384.400.000 meters ;
Earth ' radius ' =
149.600.000.000 meters ;
Delta radius = 389,17793964620187304890738813736 | exponent 3
58.944.683,971400902843128602189989 ;
logarithm ( log ) 389,17793964620187304890738813736 =
2,590148214531934805170700560059 | per two ( because we use the square root of the delta radius )
1,2950741072659674025853502800295 | plus log ( delta frequency )
1,2950741072659674025853502800295 + 1,1260896403991471367773464154491
2,4211637476651145393626966954786 | minus log ( delta radius ) =
-0,16898446686682026580800386458045 | minus log ( delta radius ) =
-2,7591326813987550709787044246395 = x I 10 exponent x
0,0017412748148851844505944797205 | square
( Delta frequency ) squared
per 3,0320379809534333759127412413368e-6
We might hope for no shift of this equivalent by these ' large ' dimensions like there is a relative effect
for photons at light speed ... And glad we are to see a shift of duration of time by the large mass , because
otherwise , the radiation from this Bright Center would need about 10 exponent 26 years until reaching our Earth ,
calculated by this certain distance ...
Happy we are , that we can write down these lines !
We have calculated the Mass of the Super Massive
Center of our Universe to
and we are going to see the calculation by the following :
Solving the equivalent written above for delta frequency
logarithm ( log ) delta frequency ( f )
3 * log [ delta radius ( r ) ]
log [ root of ( delta r ) ]
2 * log ( delta r )
And we are going to see exact numeric values for now :
radius of Moon around Earth =
384.400.000 meters ;
radius of Milky Way around the Super Massive Center =
1,1338234969826428288348939717868e+42 ;
delta r =
2,9495928641588002831292767216098e+33 | log
33,469762073926712980705194163186 | per two [ logarithm of ( root of delta r ) ]
33,469762073926712980705194163186 | times two
33,469762073926712980705194163186 * 3 =
100,40928622178013894211558248956 | plus
16,734881036963356490352597081593 =
117,14416725874349543246817957115 I minus
50,204643110890069471057791244779 = x | 10 exponent x
1,6019284368513716925909748738909e+50 | reciprocal value
6,2424761118887663884771273958825e-51 = delta frequency ;
delta frequency = frequency of Milky Way per frequency of Moon ;
frequency of our Moon = 4,2362203208709831650571062833111e-7 ;
1,4735957148246929066155197927828e-44 | reciprocal value
( = seconds for one complete spin )
Now we will see calculating mass by
mass ( m ) = ( r exponent 3 * 4 * pi exponent 2 ) / [ G * ( 1 spin in seconds ) squared ] ;
kilogramms ;
During the springtime of the year 2023 we have found , that
we have to correct our calculation for the determination of the
mass of the Super Massive Center ( SMC ) .
And this result for mass of the SMC mentioned above is valid
for a rough estimation .
An interesting thing we have recognized is , that the
equation to calculate the delta radius by the delta of
frequency , results true expressions for each pairs of
values we are going to use :
( delta frequency ) squared
10 exponent
T ( 1 ) * 2
radius exponent 3
T ( 1 ) =
[ logarithm ( root of delta radius ) ]
logarithm ( delta frequency )
[ logarithm ( delta radius ) ]
[ logarithm ( delta radius ) ]
While we are able to simplify T ( 1 ) to T ( 2 ) ,
T ( 2 )
2 * logarithm ( delta frequency ) - 3 * logarithm ( delta radius )
And we have to correct our prefinal result about solving this equation
written above for delta frequency ( using T ( 2 ) ) , what results
2 * logarithm ( delta frequency ) =
logarithm [ ( delta radius ) exponent 3 ]
2 * logarithm ( delta frequency )
3 * logarithm ( delta radius )
And that is the way , we almost get stuck ...
Maybe our future will show new ways , while a
calculation of a minimal photon radius is in
progressive work and it seems to fit the Planck
Length as far as we have seen for now ...
On April 17th , we have found to a new , possible equation
describing frequency ( f ) of our Milky Way around the
Super Massive Center :
1 / frequency ( f ) squared
( distance of the SMC to Earth ) to the power of three
radius ( r ) of a photon at one spin per second
distance of the SMC to Earth
exponent 3
( 1,9878862577579345578272656386017 * 2 ) square
And we are going to see this calculation with exact values :
1 / frequency ( f ) squared
exponent 3
( 1,9878862577579345578272656386017 * 2 ) square
1 / frequency ( f ) squared
( 1,9878862577579345578272656386017 * 2 ) square
( 1,9878862577579345578272656386017 * 2 ) square
( 1,9878862577579345578272656386017 * 2 ) square
And the delta to our former calculations , using
moon and the equation r exponent 3 = f squared
( 4,6051449040608704890918700231293e+87 )
We are glad to say that we could write down
about having calculated the exact age of our
Universe seen from Earth and we start right
ahead with this way to calculate :
1,1338234969826428288348939717868e+42 | 4,200150305 ... th root
( by the Antique Algorithm ),69688217271465357446 |
1,1672775812423179386844781939422e+52 | times 15
15 is because 7 + 8 ,
while 8 is the first integer in exponent 3 ,
1,200150305 ... th root of 8 is 5,655626722298043576373944664773 ;
5,655626722298043576373944664773 | square
31,986113621971711713810688594697 | third root of
as close to pi as possible ;
and 8 - 1 = 7 , while 7 is the third prime number ;
and 4,200150305 th root of 7 is
1,5893026900891086748995472590271 | exponent 3
4,0143927114738695927478421555089 ,
what is as close to 2 square as possible by the Antique Algorithm .
Maybe we are going to see more clarity about this in the future ...
The integer ' 15 ' is referred to as the ' Jules Julsky Value ' ,
and it is still unsure if we can calculate with it ...
1,750916371863476908026717290913(2)e+53 | per V , the speed our Universe expands with
( calculated by ' c ' exponent 4,200150305 ... , provided by the Antique Approach )
435.857.318.616.386.951,41751426840418 | per ( 3600 seconds * 24 * 365,256 )
13.811.258.107,719975834095174330931 years
Happy we are , that we have solved the delta delta of
the Jules Julsky Value ' 15 ' for calculating the exact
relative ages of our Universe !
Long words , short mathematics , here we go right now :
3,1743428030945179949109986202232 | sum delta pi
4,0143927114738695927478421555089 | squareroot
2,0035949469575604798493337991629 | sum delta 2
We will see how to calculate this delta now ...
And we have refined the distance to our planet Earth ,
we will see the new and polished calculation below :
( The wavelength of the source frequency of
1.133.805.107.155.451.756.702.297.926,7205 , whereas
this original or source frequency
is calculated by the Planck Approach for Photon size )
( - 2 a c s - a * s squared + 2 * root of ( a * root of a ) c s + a * ( root of a ) * s squared )
= 7.983.070.657.684.519.625,6944465764112 ;
= Spin speed ' s ' , the radius is calculated by the ' Wavelength Aproach ' ,
this radius is 5,608952000160466997525923038397e-13 meters , the second solution ,
lambda * 10 exponent 10 in the first step of the Wavelength Approach ,
a lambda of 10 e-9 would be multiplied with ' 1 ' in the first step ,
a wavelength of 10 e-12 would be multiplied with 10 exponent 3 as the first mathematical operation
9,4107549570647695305485072804054e-38 antimatter of the shell
8,3589751182286544732103515156914e-24 matter of the core
[ calculated by ' Approach C ' , which has been used as
( a - 1 ) E =
shell mass *
* ( - 2 a c s - a * s squared + 2 * root of ( a * root of a ) c s + a * ( root of a ) * s squared )
whereas a = 1,000000000001 ;
a * root of a =
1,000000000001500000000000375 ;
root of ( a * root of a ) =
2,2630313051459480120565595169792e-21 ( Ge by the Planck Approach ) | * antimatter of the shell * matter of the core
1,780196977533982788161232889086e-81 | per radius exponent 2
( per 3,1460342540104103373439791813421e-25 )
5,6585428949626816559132069830921e-57 | per ( speed our Universe expands with ) squared , calculated by the Antique Algorithm
( per 4,0171778758331789996987575646491e+35 squared )
3,5064083191801135178101717894574e-128 | third root and exponent 2
1,0712931435328556127284290503437e-85 |
per target radius squared of the measured frequency
which is 1,1502877786176224902459232075397e-28
for the measured frequency of 299.792.458. ,
calculated by the ' Wavelength Approach ' , the first solution ,
lambda * 10 exponent 9 in any case as the first step
9,3132619805828068795877081885804e-58 | 1 / x
1,0737376464711259322659270156794e+57 | / pi squared
1,0879236926179250174882073315597e+56 | exponent 3 and fourth root of
1,065243336335219046828255054074e+42 | per root of [ ( 4th root of pi ) cube ]
6,9345394613753295623194379182554e+41 distance of the SMC to Earth
with a delta to the Planck Time ( whereas the Planck Length has been
replaced by the minimum Photon radius ) calculated by
The minimum radius is 1,5619874478042664841705491880944e-35 ;
we might have possibly found to a minimum size
of electromagnetic particles for the speed of c :
We imagine the ' photons ' , common mass objects
( like a flower etc . ) consist of , to be of a very high
amount of matter and antimatter while energy is at a
very low level .
To split these off and to accelerate those to light speed
we need an impulse or force ( like a meteor impact )
and this impulse must be stronger the lower the energy
is the photons contain ,
because the photons stuck together with a higher force
due to electromagnetic attraction of a higher amount of
matter and antimatter ...
Calculating the average size of electromagnetic
particles by the ' Antique Method ' results :
299.792.458 meters per second | square
89.875.517.873.681.764 I to the power of 4,200150305 ...
and since we are calculating a spherical volume we are going
to divide per 3 , times 4 , times pi
1,6137717984658183421322782254683e+71 | 1 / x
| * 4 / 3 * pi
2,5956521292345007339288777964553e-71 | third root
( because the volume of a sphere is 4 / 3 * pi * radius exponent 3 )
2,9608437944850534809554637198594e-24 | delta r max
( r max = 5,612462499403642218893594234753e-13 ,
the radius of the source radiation of the Super Massive Center )
5,2754807623207475882897691001353e-12 ;
and the delta to the Planck Length
( 1,61625518e-35 ) results
1,0347427453863469429963613449193 ;
1,5619874478042664841705491880944e-35 | per 299.792.458 =
= 5,2102292973770090112492062361836e-44 ;
and the sum delta to
whereas we assume this delta to derive from
unsharp measured values of the radiation of the SMC arriving on Earth
and by using Approach C for calculating photon shell and core masses ...
We might serve with a solution for calculating the radius and
hence the density of the Super Massive Center , using the first
delta what is mentioned below :
Distance to our Earth is equal to
and the relative Age of our Universe ( seen from Earth ) is
years ;
13.811.258.107,719975834095174330931 years
[ ( 3600 seconds * 24 * 365,256 * light speed c ) squared = 89.508.361.728.822.451.951.262.224.511.140 ]
and the delta to the radius
1,0903135187494321621368310971449 ;
what suggests , that the squared entirety of the
distance , light has passed during this time is
approximately equal to the radius , while we
assume the slight delta to derive from a radius ,
since the Super Massive Center should own a
dimensional size and the horizon , where space
starts to convert into time should be responsible
for the delta ( time has passed ) per ( exact
distance from our Earth ' s Center and the
middlepoint of the Super Massive Center ) ...
The radius of the Center should to be ' x '
x ( = 1 )
Recognizing the squared x and x set to 1 within
this equivalent , we might immediately think about to
solve this equivalent by the Antique Algorithm , which
results the most likely case of the actual radius of the
big and massive ' Bright Dark Center ' at this certain
distance from our Earth ...
The equivalent above solved for x results
x exponent 2
1,1338234969826428288348939717868e+42 ;
1 / x squared
1,0399059330045872888502034460198e+42 ;
1,0399059330045872888502034460198e+42 | 4,200150305 ... th root of,592177895737445040127
what should to be the actual radius of the Event Horizon ;
Calculating the volume results
4.296.879.924.977.050.208.969.743.799.405,8 cubical meters ;
and mass per volume ,
1,8629952550872468333656374107205e+50 kilogramms
4.296.879.924.977.050.208.969.743.799.405,8 cubical meters
ends up in an average density of
kilogramms per cubical meter ;
Fact is , that we are not absolutely sure about this latest
way to calculate and since an average density might to be
nonsense we are going to move on with thinking about the
second delta , whereas this might pose the delta time :
We have calculated our Earth ' s Mass to
kilogramms by an exact value for G ;
31.348.208.637.032.431.366.278.913,623042 ;
13.811.258.107,719975834095174330931 years
2.269.757.642.101.406,9109318294926575 ;
1 light year ( = 9.460.885.884.991.027,2 meters )
0,23990963105285986356333063345487 | 1 / x
4,16823616297283040348436613648325 ;
while this delta might show the delta of time passing
slower or faster due to the large mass of the Center ...
We have found , that our equations might fit exactly the age of our Universe :
1 Light Year ( 9.460.885.884.991.027,2 )
the exact age our Universe ( = 13.811.258.107,719975834095174330931 years )
And the delta to the distance of the Super Massive Center
( 1,1338234969826428288348939717868e+42 meters )
8.677.215.977.146.164,7317841419193842 ;
The delta to 1 Light Year of this value is equal to
what poses the exact value we have been calculating the radius of
the Super Massive Center from ...
What we have seen is , that we have to multiply the age of our Universe ,
relative to our Earth , by one Light Year squared .
And the reason for this should to be that time slows down or increases by
its square , not regarding gravitational time dilation , but taking the
exponential speed of expansion of the space - time continuum into consideration ...
E = time squared ;
Distance of the Super Massive Center from Earth
Age of our Universe relative to our Earth
1 Light Year squared
Finally , we have found that the circular passing of time , while time
accelerates and decelerates since the Big Bang , is in harmony with
the distance of the Super Massive Center , so that its radiation reaches
our Planet Earth ( from the past ) , and these particles have passed
throughout a longer period or duration of time compared to the ( past )
amount of time which had already been passing ...
The equation for a circle is
radius squared = ( delta x ) squared plus ( delta y ) squared ;
And we are able to use this equation for our calculations with time and
the distance of the Super Massive Center ...
At times it looks like that we have once the delta of the
curved extent and twice the delta of the unbent space :
The whole , curved distance of our space - time continuum
4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 meters
( what can be seen in our work about the Big Bang )
the age of our Universe times the speed our Universe
expands with is
1,74678100974096233533878102216e+53 meters
The delta is
24,650420631237228103740475818894 ;
We are going to see a second delta ( because we are not
sure yet , which delta is the right one to use ) calculated by
2,6378867950311092591360797269187e+52 meters
( which is the most likely extent , uncurved , calculated by
the Antique Algorithm )
1,6993240546669709303608500932365e+52 meters
( = The age of our Universe times speed of light c ) squared
what results
1,5523153384350081433300681486131 meters ;
The right delta to move on with shows the difference of the whole bent
distance and the curved extent of our Universe without the SMC ...
The event horizon , where space starts convert to time , makes us to
suggest that we can calculate with the age of our Universe , which might
show the curved space without the diameter of the Super Massive Center .
Let us see a valid reason for which delta to use later , in the following way
to calculate , the right delta is referred to as ' delta ' :
( delta * x )
( delta * x )
4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 meters ;
We will set y = 1 in order to be able to use the Antique Algorithm :
( delta * x )
( delta * x )
4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 meters ; I per ( delta * x )
( delta * x ) squared
4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 meters ; I per delta squared
( x ) squared
delta squared * 4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 meters ;
( We can see the reason for these steps at )
Solving this equation by the Antique Algorithm and the first delta results
4,200150305161 ... th root of 2,6164441272800065908515125317247e+57 meters
46.816.016.825.332,499117942339963695 meters of diameter I per two
23.408.008.412.666,249558971169981848 I exponent 3
1,2826063762086286749432122814415e+40 I * 4 / 3 * pi
5,3725690252592725449381913581806e+40 ,
which poses the volume
and mass should to be roughly 10e+50 kilogramms ,
what ends up in an average density of ~ 10e+10 kilogramms per cubical meter ...
We are looking forward to refine our work the best possible to us ...
Actually light follows the natural space curvature ,
the value
4,3058886640772015463419750197868e+54 meters
poses the complete space diameter for the age of
71.446.002.531,967743417214282867533 years
and hence we would like to finalize our reason for
which delta to use :
The age of our Universe times the speed our Universe
expands with is
1,74678100974096233533878102216e+53 meters
1,6993240546669709303608500932365e+52 meters
( = The age of our Universe times speed of light c ) squared
what results
10,2792696010137506969989989811 ;
For now , we are checking for our way of using
the Antique Algorithm to return a true value ...
For this day we have come to new conclusions about the search for
extraterrestrial lifeforms , how so ever these might take form ...
Knowing an exact value for the radius by the Antique Approach , what
should result a sphere around our Earth , we can search a circle , the
intersection space of a sphere , known by the Antique Approach , and
the distance from the Super Massive Center of our Universe from Earth ...
In the following , our Earth represents the whole of our Universe ,
whereas we might put a ' little ' questionmark behind this claim .
Earth ' s Volume ( including our Atmosphere ) should be
1.300.310.443.732.228.506.213,8511374762 cubic meters ,
calculated with a radius of 6.771.000 meters ...
On our Earth , there live about
7,837 * 10 exponent 9 men ;
( while this has changed during a relative short period of time )
and we assume a men to own about 1 cubical meter of volume ,
what is a rough estimation , we are going to see the volume of
ants in this extrapolation at the lower part of the calculations ...
7,837 * 10 exponent 9
is equal to
cubical meters per human living , and for now ,
we are going to see the cuberoot of this value ,
which is
5.494,9751739652025379295651715999 | exponent 4,200150305
5.109.968.477.391.938,7323048815303903 | per ( 9,461 * 10 exponent 15 = 1 light year )
0,54010870704914266275286772332632 light years of radius around earth
for the most likely distance to meet another human life within our Universe ...
This seems not be very likely at all ? So we move on with furtherleading thoughts :
With most lifes on our Earth , threadworms ( these are estimated to 4,4 * 10 exponent 20 livings )
it seems to work out by the same ratio , Earth volume per count of livings , but with an important difference :
We are going to set a threadworm to one cubical meter ( = One ' Unit of Life ' ) , so that we have to
expand our Earth ' s Volume by the factor , because we assume a threadworm to own a
volume of approximately 1 cubical millimeter :
1.300.310.443.732.228.506.213,8511374762 * ;
2.955.251.008,4823375141223889488095 ;
2.955.251.008,4823375141223889488095 | cubic root
1.435,042592993689057602450857844 | exponent 4,200150305 ...
18.167.978.884.316,280762229433405606 meters to find the next threadworm ,
which is about 0,00192 ... light years ...
This seems to make much more sense at times .
While threadworms even might represent another life within our Universe ...
An interesting calculation we have found is the ratio of
( threadworms per cubical meter )
( human per cubical meter ) ,
the cubical root is
times the average distance to see the next threadworm on earth
( 1.435,042592993689057602450857844 )
5.494,9751739652025379295651716 | exponent 4,200150305
5.109.968.477.391.938,7323048815303906 | per ( 9,461 * 10 exponent 15 = 1 light year )
what is the same value like calculating with men ...
Let us see more by calculating with ants , whereas we deal with a count of
10 exponent 16 lifes , and a volume of two cubical millimeters , firstly
we will see the expanding factor for ants to measure one cubical meter : per two = 500.000.000 ;
1.300.310.443.732.228.506.213,8511374762 * 500.000.000 =
650.155.221.866.,1 | per 10 exponent 16
65.015.522.186.611,42531069255687381 | cuberoot
40.210,45786734007614247444259332 | exponent 4,200150305
21.823.074.346.793.330.544,23004077987 | per light year
2.306,6350646647638245671747996904 light years to meet the next ant ;
So let us see the concluded recognition now :
We just might calculate with threadworms
( plus all the other lifes on our Earth , which
should not matter much for the value ) as
' one Life Unit ' to be set to one cubical meter ,
the number of threadworms is very close to an
estimated maximum value for the count of all
lifes on Earth with the exception Virus and Bacteria ...
Using the ratio with 10 * 10 exponent 12 bacteria per
human and a minimum size of 10 exponent -7 meters of a
bacterium life returns similar values like ' using threadworms ' .
An interesting thing we have found too , is the ratio
of cubical kilometres of earth
( our planet ' s earth proportion )
1.400.000 cubical kilometres of water
( our planets water portion )
776,42857142857142857142857142857 | exponent 4,200150305
1.376.767.901.161,5978017573373466257 cubical kilometers
and calculating the radius ( by Volume = 4 / 3 * pi * radius exponent 3 )
results a radius of 6.901,1908988372582807186889547443 kilometers ,
what is a value very close to our Earth ' s radius ;
We have tried to calculate the most likely distance of extraterrestrial water sources ,
whereas we see a potential to find other lifes by calculating the most likely distance
of water resources also and we are going to give it a trial to the best by this way :
Our Earth ' s Surface is covered by approximately
149 * 10 exponent 12 square meters of land .
We are going to extract the squareroot of this value , what results
12.206.555,615733702951897855256623 | per two
6.103.277,8078668514759489276283115 | exponent 4,200150305 ...
31.650.828.736.235.635.601.765.601.628,177 ;
now , we are going to extract the squareroot again , because
we have expanded meters to square meters by the Antique Algorithm ,
if we would have grown square meters by this special Algorithm , our
result would be cubical meters , because of ' extruding ' square meters
to a volume , and we have reduced by one dimension ...
31.650.828.736.235.635.601.765.601.628,177 | squareroot
177.906.797.892.142,49022157196942124 | per ( 9,461 * 10 exponent 15 = 1 light year )
0,01880422766009327663265743255694 light years to find the next water source
in comparison to
0,00192 ... light years to find the next life or just threadworm ,
what would make sense if we regard our Solarsystem to be the unit 1 ,
with our Earth and Enceladus , a satellite of Saturn covered with ice ...
For now , it seems that we have been able to determine the
maximum of electromagnetic radiation of the core of our
Milky Way what enables us to calculate the exact distance
from Earth ...
We start ahead with the most likely maximum of radiation
which is 10 times 4,200150305 ...
We assume that the measured frequency on Earth is
10 exponent 20,5 ( it should work out well with other
measured frequencies , too )
42,00150305 minus 20,5 times 2
is equal to
1,00150305 | per 2
( because the delta frequency gets less by its inverse square )
0,500751525 | plus 20,5
21,000751525 | minus logarithm of 1,200150305 ...
( the minimum expansion by the Antique Algorithm )
21,000751525 minus 0,07923563983459043127267726500188
( The original or source frequency , which should be pretty much
the same within most of Galaxies or even each of these )
We are going to see how to calculate the source frequency of the
Super Massive Center of our Universe too , which works with some
tiny differences :
The logarithm of the measured frequency which arrives on Earth is
23,476820702927927554392266208226 | times 4
93,907282811711710217569064832904 | minus 4,200150305 ... * 2 * 10
93,907282811711710217569064832904 - 84,0030061
9,904276711711710217569064832904 | per two
4,952138355855855108784532416452 | plus 23,476820702927927554392266208226
28,428959058783782663176798624678 | minus logarithm of 23,476820702927927554392266208226
28,428959058783782663176798624678 minus 1,370639283177658833272870481247
in comparison to the present approach written above , which delivers
I would like to wish you to have a nice and colourful time during this Advent & Maybe you will like to visit Peta again !
See my site for more